Fact Based List:

Kaiser Family Foundation: 12 Facts about the Impact of State Medicaid Expansion Decisions

Submitted by jryan@mcol.com on Mon, 07/22/2013 - 16:38

  1. States that are not moving forward with the expansion currently have more limited Medicaid eligibility
  2. A large body of research shows that Medicaid increases access to care and protects low-income people
  3. Studies show that Medicaid coverage contributes to improvements in health outcomes
  4. Decisions to implement the Medicaid expansion in states with large uninsured populations have a disproportionate effect
  5. In the South, more than 8 in 10 uninsured individuals with incomes at or below 138% FPL live in states that are not moving forward with the expansion
  6. People of color will be disproportionately affected by state decisions to expand Medicaid
  7. Millions of individuals will remain uninsured due to state decisions not to implement the Medicaid
  8. States not moving forward would have experienced greater percentage reduction in the uninsured compared to states moving forward
  9. States that do not move forward with the expansion will forgo billions in federal funds
  10. Increased coverage will reduce state spending for uncompensated care costs
  11. The Medicaid expansion could increase revenues to hospitals, offsetting hospital reimbursement reductions that were also included in the ACA
  12. States that implement the Medicaid expansion could also see savings or offsets and broader economic effects that vary by state and cannot be modeled using national data

Source: The Kaiser Commisssion on Medicaid and the Uninsured
Source URL: http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/84...

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