Fact Based List:

Daniel K. Ross: 5 Ways Worksite Clinics Facilitate Savings

  1. Removal of time and cost barriers: On-site health centers typically require no out-of-pocket costs for office visits
  2. Improved doctor/patient communications: Health centers are usually staffed by a physician as well as other supporting medical staff
  3. Lower overall healthcare costs: Put simply, increased primary care exposure dramatically lowers overall costs
  4. Workers’ compensation cost decrease: On-site health centers have the ability to serve as a first report of injury center for workers’ compensation injuries
  5. Beneficial to both management and unions: Unions understand the adoption of health centers to be an increase in benefits while lowering member cost

Source: Employee Benefit News
Source URL: http://ebn.benefitnews.com/blog/ebviews/5-ways-worksite-clin...