Fact Based List:

Seven Leading Financial Technology Innovators Selected for the FinTech Innovation Lab London

  1. Erudine- Provides systems to the finance industry that look at operational processes and behaviors and suggests improvements in line with regulation and compliance
  2. FinGenius- Artificial Intelligence and real-time big data analysis to make it easier for non-technical users to find information through the use of natural language processing
  3. Logical Glue- Predicts business outcomes in real-time using a platform that has been built from the ground up, incorporating patented, next generation predictive analytics
  4. PhotoPay- Simplifies payments by allowing you to take a photo of a bill, scan a payment slip or open a PDF file with your mobile banking app and make a payment with one tap
  5. PixelPin- Provides a personalised user-friendly single sign on using pictures instead of passwords
  6. Squirro- Leader in Context Intelligence, combining structured and unstructured data to provide the ‘Why’ behind the data
  7. uTrade Solutions- Provides Open Source Trading Technologies creating a more efficient, innovative & collaborative ecosystem for financial markets

Source: Accenture
Source URL: http://newsroom.accenture.com/news/seven-leading-financial-t...