Fact Based List:

Kelly Kennedy: Health care changes to watch for in 2014

  1. Private exchanges. Insurers will bring more private exchanges to the workplace. People will begin to understand they have to control their own health costs.
  2. Employer mandate. Employers will also start making changes to prepare for the requirement that companies with more than 50 employees provide health insurance for their employees.
  3. Pricing transparency. Regardless of the political storms surrounding the law, the health industry is proceeding with the assumption it is here for good.
  4. New rules and higher enrollments. "Avalanche" of rules and guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services about the law and a surge in enrollments from Jan. 1 through March 31.
  5. Electronic records. Adoption of electronic records will increase in 2014 and spur industry-wide change.
  6. Shrinking networks. Insurers will continue to limit their networks of health care providers, often by using those providers with which it can negotiate better rates.
  7. States will drive change. Medicaid, which is run by the states, will have the most impact on local price structures.

Source: USA Today
Source URL: http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/01/01/health-...