Fact Based List:

Shawn Radcliffe-10 Top Medical and Technological Innovations of 2013

  1. Bee Venom Nanoparticles Attack HIV
  2. HIV Virus Used to Treat Genetic Disorders in Children
  3. Rapid Blood Test Parses Viral and Bacterial Infections
  4. Fast, Cheap Paper Test Detects Pancreatic Cancer
  5. Optogenetics Activates Brain Cells with Light
  6. Detecting Lung Cancer with Just a Cough
  7. Vaccinations Without Needles Are on the Horizon
  8. Miniaturized Blood Tests Arrive in Silicon Valley
  9. Detect Bad Breath with Your Smartphone
  10. Doctors Fight Infections with Stool Transplants

Source: Health Line News
Source URL: http://www.healthline.com/health-news/general-top-innovation...