Fact Based List:

10 Facts about the Cost of Employer-Provided Health Insurance

  1. The average premium for single coverage in 2012 is $468 per month or $5,615 per year. The average premium for family coverage is $1,312 per month or $15,745 per year
  2. The average annual premiums for covered workers in HDHP/SOs are lower for single ($4,928) and family coverage ($14,129) than the overall average premiums for covered workers
  3. Average annual premiums for PPO plans are higher for single coverage ($5,850) and family coverage ($16,356) than the overall average premiums for covered workers
  4. The average premium for family coverage for covered workers in small firms (3-199 workers) ($15,253) is lower than that of covered workers in large firms (200 or more workers) ($15,980)
  5. Average single and family premiums for covered workers are higher in the Northeast ($5,964 and $17,099) and lower in the South ($5,445 and $14,988)
  6. Covered workers in firms where 35% or more of the workers are age 26 or younger have lower average single and family premiums ($4,961 and $14,217)
  7. Covered workers in firms where 35% or more of the workers are age 50 or older have higher average single and family premiums ($5,860 and $16,392)
  8. Covered workers in firms with a large percentage of lower-wage workers (at least 35% of workers earn $24,000 per year or less) have lower average single and family premiums ($5,135 and $14,694)
  9. Covered worker in firms with a large percentage of higher-wage workers (at least 35% of workers earn $55,000 per year or more) have higher average single and family premiums ($5,789 and $16,427)
  10. Eighteen percent of covered workers are employed by firms that have a single premium at least 20% higher than the average single premium

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation: 2012 Employer Health Benefits Survey
Source URL: http://kff.org/report-section/ehbs-2012-section-1/
Notes: The Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research & Educational Trust (Kaiser/HRET) conduct this annual survey of employer-sponsored health benefits.