Fact Based List:

Hospitals with Highest Average Total Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS) Payments for Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant

  1. Reid Hospital & Health Care Services, IN - Indianapolis, $43,834.55
  2. Sinai Hospital Of Baltimore, MD - Baltimore, $27,662.55
  3. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, MD - Baltimore, $27,520.50
  4. University Of Maryland Medical Center, MD - Baltimore, $25,573.48
  5. Stanford Hospital, CA - San Mateo County, $24,842.00
  6. Carroll Hospital Center, MD - Baltimore, $24,708.29
  7. Upper Chesapeake Medical Center, MD - Baltimore, $24,032.96
  8. Maimonides Medical Center, NY - Manhattan, $23,735.97
  9. University Of California Davis Medical Center, CA - Sacramento, $23,511.22
  10. Montefiore Medical Center, NY - Bronx, $23,397.20

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Source URL: http://www.cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Stat...
Notes: With out Complications and Comorbid Conditions/Major Complications and Comorbid Conditions