Fact Based List:

KFF Tracking Poll: 5 ACA Provisions With Public Support

  1. prohibiting insurers from denying coverage to people with pre-existing conditions coverage: 72% of public support this
  2. prohibiting insurers from charging sick people higher premiums than healthy people: 64% of public support this
  3. prohibiting insurers from denying coverage to pregnant women: 71% of public support this
  4. prohibiting insurers from setting lifetime dollar limits on coverage: 62% of public support this
  5. requiring insurers to cover the full cost of most preventive services: 62% of public support this

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation, July 30, 2019
Source URL: https://www.kff.org/health-reform/press-release/poll-strong-...
Notes: from an article entitled, "Poll: Strong Initial Support for a Public Option, But Arguments Can Significantly Shift Views"