Fact Based List:

Top 10 Most Likely Causes of Death in the U.S. and their lifetime odds based on 2017 data

  1. Heart Disease: 1 in 6
  2. Cancer: 1 in 7
  3. Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease: 1 in 27
  4. Suicide: 1 in 88
  5. Opioid overdose: 1 in 96
  6. Motor Vehicle Crash: 1 in 103
  7. Fall: 1 in 114
  8. Gun Assault: 1 in 285
  9. Pedestrian Incident: 1 in 556
  10. Motorcyclist: 1 in 858

Source: National Safety Council
Source URL: https://injuryfacts.nsc.org/all-injuries/preventable-death-o...