Fact Based List:

The Six Key Stakeholders in the Prescription Drug Distribution Chain

  1. Pharmaceutical Manufacturer: Role - Develop And Market Prescription Medications
  2. Health Insurer: (Including Part D Plans) - Role: Provide Insurance Products To Patients That Cover Prescription Drugs
  3. Pharmacy: Role - Dispense Pharmaceutical Drugs To Patients
  4. Pharmacy Benefit Manager: Role - Intermediary Between The Health Insurer And Pharmacy. Develop And Maintain Formularies, Negotiates Rebates And Discounts
  5. Wholesaler: Role - Distributes Pharmaceutical Drugs From Pharmaceutical Manufacturer To Pharmacy
  6. Patient: Role - End User Of Prescription Drug

Source: Milliman
Source URL: http://www.milliman.com/insight/2018/A-primer-on-prescriptio...