Fact Based List:

Selected Open Ended Responses To the Question: What is the Main Reason you Have a Favorable Opinion of the Individual Mandate?

  1. “I believe that health care is a right and people should take some responsibility for their health care”
  2. “Because it will get more people to be more responsible; it should be just like auto insurance”
  3. “I work[ed] in health insurance for a while and I know people need health insurance. If they don't have health insurance and go to the doctor the tax payers have to pay for the bill”
  4. “Because it will help people who don't have insurance. It will stop the insurance company from dropping insurance because we have a preexisting condition”
  5. “Because it moves us closer to universal health care”
  6. “Because if that part is removed, the plan won't work so well”
  7. “It increases the pool of people of buying health insurance which would hopefully reduce the cost”
  8. “Because it would be fair if everyone pay[s] for their insurance based on their own income”

Source: Kaiser Health Tracking Poll
Source URL: http://www.kff.org/kaiserpolls/upload/8274-F.pdf