Fact Based List:

Charles Gaba: Six reasons to move off-exchange plans on

  1. It would automatically stop the endless errors made by so many reporters, politicians and pundits
  2. It would almost certainly beef up on-exchange enrollment
  3. It would make it much easier to track and analyze data
  4. It would help the state-based exchanges with their revenue/cash-flow concerns
  5. Since every policy sold on the exchange has to be a QHP (Qualified Health Plan), it would eliminate policies which are technically ACA-compliant but which aren’t official QHPs
  6. According to a recent study, as many as 3.5 million people currently enrolled in off-exchange plans may already be eligible for ACA tax credits … but only if they enroll through the exchange

Source: "7 reasons for ending off-exchange enrollment," healthinsurance.org, September 15, 2016
Source URL: https://www.healthinsurance.org/blog/2016/09/15/7-reasons-fo...