Fact Based List:

Survey: "Top Health Care Priorities” For The President And Congress

  1. 77% - Making sure that high-cost drugs for chronic conditions are affordable to those who need them
  2. 63% - Government action to lower prescription drug prices
  3. 58% - Making sure health plans have sufficient provider networks of doctors and hospitals
  4. 56% - Making information about the price of doctors’ visits, tests, and procedures such as hip replacements and MRIs more available to patients
  5. 56% - Protecting people from being charged high prices when they visit hospitals or outpatient clinics covered by their health plan but are seen by a doctor not covered by their plan
  6. 53% - Making information comparing the quality of health care provided by doctors and hospitals more available to patients
  7. 50% - Making information about what doctors and hospitals are covered under different health insurance plans more available
  8. 48% - Helping people with moderate incomes pay high out-of-pocket costs for medical care
  9. 38% - Repealing the requirement that employers with 100 or more workers pay a fine if they don’t offer health insurance
  10. 38% - Repealing the requirement that nearly all Americans have health insurance or else pay a fine
  11. 37% - Repealing the entire health care law
  12. 30% - Eliminating a tax on higher cost employer-sponsored health plans, also called Cadillac plans, that helps pay for the health care law
  13. 29% - Reducing the amount of financial assistance available to help people buy health insurance in order to save the government money

Source: Kaiser Family Foundation
Source URL: http://kff.org/health-costs/poll-finding/kaiser-health-track...