Fact Based List:

PLoS One: 4 Differences Between Gift and Non-Gift Recipient Providers

  1. Providers who accepted pharmaceutical gifts had an average of 892 claims each in 2013
  2. Non-gift recipients averaged just 389 claims per provider in 2013
  3. Gift recipients submitted an average of 8.8 claims per patient
  4. Non-gift recipients submitted an average of 6.5 claims per patient
  5. The average cost per claim was $135 among providers who accepted gifts
  6. The average cost per claim was $85 among providers who did not accept gifts
  7. 1/3 of prescriptions written by a gift recipient was for a branded medication
  8. 1/4 of prescriptions written by a non-gift recipient was for a branded medication

Source: RevCycle Intelligence
Source URL: https://revcycleintelligence.com/news/providers-who-accept-p...